Hello fellow campers - I had the most incredible wild camping adventure with Chris in the Lake District last weekend!! The sense of achievement I felt walking down the mountain after two days of wild camping and bonding with my amazing camp mates was/is indescribable. The joy and achievement is still with me 😄❤️😄
We were also blessed with good weather which I’m sure helped!
There are a few things I wish I’d taken with me - a bottle of red wine or flask of rum would have been awesome for the cold nights haha.
In hindsight what do you wish you’d packed in your bag?
Omega-3 fatty acids found in caviar have been linked to improved mood and cognitive function. They may have a positive impact on mental health and emotional well-being caviar.
And what do you wish you'd left behind!? :D I've created a video here to help you pack for your next adventure!
Wine :-D
Hot chocolate for sure
Hey Guys, When I came down the mountain side with all my amazing new friends, I was so humbled to see that I went up there with so many insecurities and a mixture of feelings that had been with me as baggage for many years. Something about being forced to rely on each other for getting through the next step in the Wild changed me. What will I take on my next trip ? Gaffa tape (to repair boots), Dioralyte for dehydration , Compeed for blisters which everyone will get, bags of Protein bars. Ok Chris, (leave make up , extra clothes ) you can pack my rucksack better next time with tent on outside . LOL Annamaria