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Windermere Weekend

6 apps for your next adventure

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

We've compiled a list of our 6 favourite apps for your next adventure.

Improve your knowledge and identify trees (from their leaf, flower, fruit or bark) with this app from the Woodland Trust. Thank you to Daniel H for sharing this app with us!

2). Viewranger app

Discover a route near you with the Viewranger app.

My favourite feature is that you can click 'UK maps' to see a map of the UK, and the weather forecast predicted to change over it - much more useful than a binary rain/no-rain image when planning your day out.

It's not an app, but if you're heading to the hills in the UK, I would also highly recommend visiting the Mountain Weather Information Service (MWIS) before you set off.

I love this app because the direction you're facing is so accurate it makes navigating in the countryside a doddle. Most recently I used this app to hiking the Cape Wrath Trail in Scotland. You can pay a monthly subscription, currently £2.99 pcm, or the downloadable map data is free when you buy the relevant hard copy OS map (which I would very much recommend still - batteries can run out and I've ruined more than one phone now by getting it wet on a mountain!).

Find locations, meet friends and be found in an emergency with this app. What3words splits the world up into grids that are 3m (10ft) square. The emergency services use the app to locate people that are lost or injured. Read more on this BBC article 'The app that can save your life'.

Share photos of your adventures on social media! You can find Adventure Breaks on Instagram and we're also on Facebook!

Know of other outdoor apps we should be using? Let us know.

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